Note: - It is to inform all who are using this form that:

  • We taking serious notice on this form, therefore, if you are going to use this form, it is very important for you to provide us all your details in the given form very carefully and correct.
  • It is to be noticed that we are saving your IP, therefore, don't try to misuse this form, otherwise the you will be responsible for any consequences.
  • Mobile Number and CNIC is required for your authenticity.
  • All the information related to the complainant will be kept safe and unshared.
Quick way to Complaint / Suggestion or Request to District & Sessions Judge, Malakand.
Full Name
Email [If any]
Cell Number [Important]
CNIC # [Important]
Complaint / Message / Suggestion
Enter the secret code here

District Courts Malakand

At Batkhela, Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa, Pakistan

Phone: +92 0932-412474

Fax: +92 0932-412474


District Courts Malakand at Batkhela, Pakistan